Term & Conditions


Please read the following terms and conditions for the use of the Tonjoo Website Development Services, which can be accessed online at https://tonjoo.com. By submitting data on this website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the website’s Terms and Conditions of Use written on this page. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not perform any activities on the Tonjoo Website Development Services.

TONJOO, collectively referred to in these Terms and Conditions of Use as “We”.



We respect your privacy. The collection of data about information submitted to us, you can learn in depth and personally which is set out in our Privacy Policy. Please take the time to review the Privacy Policy (available at https://tonjoo.com/id/kebijakan-privasi). Providing personal or business data means you have agreed to our Privacy Policy.



By using the Tonjoo website and submitting data, you represent and acknowledge that the use of Tonjoo website and your consent to the Terms and Conditions of Use on this page are not violating any laws or government rules applicable to you.



You are prohibited from infringing or attempting to violate any security features of this Website. You agree that you will not do the following:

  1. Attempt to access any content or data not intended for you, or log into a server or account that you cannot access;
  2. Investigate, scan or conduct security tests against Tonjoo websites by any means and ways, or any other type of security breach or illegal authentication act;
  3. Interfere with services to visitors to other websites, the host server where tonjoo website is located, or any network connection that other website visitors need to access Tonjoo;
  4. Use tonjoo.com domain to send unsolicited emails or official communications from us;
  5. Carry out security attacks, traffic attacks, or large loads that are deliberate to cripple our infrastructure;
  6. Hack, steal data, change the appearance, and insert undue code in our website;
  7. Retrieve, download, copy and modify digital content from our website and disseminate it in any medium, both online and offline.



We reserve the right to limit the use of our website if you violate these Terms of Use.



The terms, all questions and debates relating to the use of this site are subject to the laws of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia exclusively. Tonjoo makes no representation that the material presented is appropriate for use in other countries’ locations or other laws. By accessing this website, you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts located in Indonesia, for the resolution of all debates arising out of or relating to the use of our website.



Tonjoo may amend these Terms and Conditions of Use without prior notice. If the Terms and Conditions of Use are changed, we will post the amended Terms and Conditions of Use to this site. By using this website, you agree that your use of the tonjoo website will be subject to the amended Terms and Conditions of Use.


If you have any questions about these Terms of Service, please contact us at:

PT. Tonjoo Gagas Teknologi

(0274) 880824




Jalan Tongkol Raya No. 5 – Minomartani Kec. Ngaglik, Kab. Sleman DIY 55281


Chubb Square Level 9, Jln.M. H. Thamrin No. 10, Kebon Melati, Menteng 10230 Central Jakarta