JAKARTA – 27 April 2018 – Tonjoo as a website and mobile application development company again accomplishes a satisfying achievement by helping Kolase in reaching 10,000 users in a moment, Wednesday (5/9).


“We never expect that our collaboration with Tonjoo will be this epic. We are amazed. In less than 2 months, we can get more than 10 thousand users,” said Ryan Maulana Rizky as Marketing Communication from PT. Kawan Indonesia, the company that initiated the idea of


IMG 9859 itself is a brand new startup in Indonesia that carries the concept of crowdfunding, especially in music. Kolase connects artists and audiences in an art collaboration. Crowdfunding itself is a growing business concept in Indonesia.


In Kolase, the musicians focus on composing their artworks. Meanwhile, the fans and supporters may support their favorite musicians by collected the funding via Fans are invited to actively engage and collaborate together in creating an artwork. To say nothing off, this digital collaboration is predicted to be the future of Indonesian music.


In the development process, PT. Kawan Indonesia is not alone. Since mid 2017, PT. Kawan Indonesia, assisted by Tonjoo as its trusted tech partner, worked hard to improve the idea and concept. Together, the concept is continuously polished until it is officially launched on February 1, 2018.


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“Trafficnya langsung gede banget. Bisa lebih dari dua ribu users malah dalam satu waktu,” tambah Ryan saat ditemui di acara KolaseFest! Rocket One yang digelar di Piazza Gandaria City pada Jumat (27/4/2018). KolaseFest! adalah sebuah acara yang digagas untuk mengenalkan secara resmi kepada masyarakat luas dan mengedukasi masyarakat tentang pentingnya kolaborasi dalam pembuatan sebuah karya seni.


Di acara ini, pihak Kolase juga menambahkan bahwa pencapaian yang mengejutkan tak hanya datang dari angka penggunanya saja. Dalam waktu 2 bulan sejak diluncurkan, Kolase sudah berhasil mendanai 8 proyek musik dan mengumpulkan dana lebih dari Rp 340 juta.