
We keep our license simple and easy to understand by everyone. All of our products are licensed under GPL which is the same as WordPress license. We feel this is the best license for us to be able to give back something for the WordPress community. With GPL license you can use the products at as many sites as you want.

When you purchase any paid products you will receive access to a support service and update for those products for a period of one year. You may renew the support service for your paid Products by buying the same product again.

Usage Personal Developer
Use the product in Multiple Site
Access to support forum
Product update 1 Year 1 Year
Priority support


What kind of support that tonjoo will provide ?

  • Responding to questions or problems regarding the item and its features
  • Fixing bugs and reported issues
  • Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software versions

Item support does not include :

  • Customization and installation services
  • Support for third party software and plug-ins
  • Beside the included documentation file in your premium file download, you can also view our forum for more reference.

Can we request a new feature ?

We’re more than welcome to hear what our costumer want with the product, please feel free to post your idea on the forum.