Reseller may be a familiar term when we are discussing about the online store today. Reseller is one valuable asset that supports online store development. Unfortunately, even the most valuable asset can be a boomerang to the online store owner if it is not properly managed. So, reseller management is essential in online store development.

Erge Store, a top online store in Indonesia that sells various woman’s clothing and accessories, also puts the same concern in reseller management. Successfully developing this business from scratch, this brand that was first known as Reisa Garage grows into a large online store and has resellers almost all over the country. With such a large amount, the management of Erge Store’s reseller is certainly not a piece of cake.

Then, how does Erge Store manage their resellers? Making a move with Tonjoo, Erge Store develops an ecommerce website and mobile app that not only facilitate the consumers in online shopping but also help Erge Store in managing reseller. Driven by Tonjoo’s experience and WooCommerce reliability, a website that capable of running these two main functions is certainly not a difficult thing.

There are so many features provided in this website that help Erge Store in managing its resellers. First, the website accommodates reseller registration. In addition, prospective resellers may register themselves using their social media accounts. Then, all reseller data will be stored automatically. Secondly, this website helps to determine the reseller status according to the rules made by Erge Store.

The incredible things do not stop there. This website is also equipped with features to provide special discounts based on the reseller status. Moreover, through this website, delivery of goods can be done with a note on behalf of the reseller.

As well as reseller management, this website also delights its customers. The mobile app ease consumers to order via their mobile phone. The feature to remind pending orders via email and features for payment confirmation are also embedded into this app. It is very easy for the consumers to calculate the postage and check receipt of shipment.

The completeness of this website still continues. Now, the great thing is in the customer service section. If many other online stores still serve customers through a variety of regular chat apps that spend a lot of time to reply one by one, Erge Store’s customer service has been helped with Prism Apps. With this integration, the various chat apps that customers use will become one. Admins do not need to move from one application to another to respond the consumer inquiries.

Prism Apps also enables customer service to be more effective. With Prism Apps, admins are easy to provide detailed information of a product, place an order, and send the purchase invoice through only one chat application. Extraordinary!

Who said ecommerce website is only for displaying products? By trusting their online store projects to Tonjoo, Erge Store get 3 benefits at once. Erge Store can manage resellers, delights consumers, as well as ease their customer service work. Want to get ecommerce website with this complete feature? Or need other features because your business process is different? Let’s work with Tonjoo!



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