Yayasan Usaha Mulia or YUM is one of the non-profit organizations engaged in the farmer empowerment. YUM has visions and missions to increase the life poor and destitute. YUM are proficient with more than 30 year experience in improving social welfare by undertaking various projects in various fields such as agriculture, development, education and health. YUM accomplishes this noble mission regardless their ethnicity, religion, race, age, and gender background.

Based on our experience in organization website development, YUM then assigned us in the ecommerce site development project as a medium in spreading the mission to the public. As a result, this website can assist as a tool to raise awareness, support, donation, and assistance from partners to improve the organization.

Tonjoo also designs this farmer ecommerce website as an effective online media in reporting on various ongoing and arranged projects or training. Tonjoo is also challenged to create an informative site and able to attract partners but not in a tiresome way.

Another remarkable point about YUM’s farmer website development is the ecommerce feature that can help farmers to sell their products online. Given this feature, the sales market will expand and help improving the entrepreneurship of the farmers. Tonjoo creates a complete website for YUM that is not only providing information about the organization program but also inviting anyone who desires to give contribution in improving Indonesian farmer welfare.



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