Most people would agree if the advance of information systems and technology will enable the various management activities to be done effortlessly. A leading company in Indonesia, Toyota Astra Finance also rely on this fact. TAF believes the management of information systems exemplified in an application will provide many positive benefits for the company. Departing from the need for more cutting-edge technology in management activities, TAF then selects Tonjoo as a trusted partner in building an appropriate and applicable web based application.

TAF Booking Management is a web-based application dedicated as a booking management information system at Toyota Astra Finance company. All kinds of activities to organize the use of the room, checking the availability of the room, as well as booking the room for special occasions or regular events can be completed with this apps.

In addition, Tonjoo also pins another worthwhile feature to check the rental handover that can be done with the approval of both tenants. Correspondingly, Tonjoo develops an application for tablets that is installed in front of the room to facilitate the users in getting information about the use of the room as well as confirm the booked room.

Booking management information system implemented in a web based application named TAF Booking Management has proved that we are not only experts in building a website. Our team is also talented to design a web-based application that can help corporation to perform management activities more easily.


Universitas Gadjah Mada

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