The Government of Indonesia realizes the importance of applying information technology in governance. Implementation of information technology in the process of governance is not only used to provide best services to the people, but also record the performance of civil servants. Performance recording based on presence that are implemented in a company portal then can be used as a reference for the evaluation and calculation of Supplementary Income for Employees.

Regarding the importance of this system, the Government of the Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) of Magelang District then appoints Tonjoo to build this company portal application. Tonjoo itself already has an employee information system application called Amanah. Tonjoo then improved the corporate information portal to meet the needs of BKD regency government of Magelang and called it SEMAR.

Some of Tonjoo’s top features in SEMAR are:

Integration with electronic tool based on fingerprint and face recognition so that  the data is more valid and accurate

  • Administration media for late submission, absence, morning roll call, until permission to dismiss earlier
  • Media information on the punishment of undisciplined attitude
  • Media information for the publication of attendance information within the internal government of Magelang regency
  • Employee Wage System and media information on the amount of received TPP (Employee Income Benefit) based on employee disciplinary attitude.
  • Documents of presence and morning roll call attendance.
  • Mobile applications support that can be downloaded via smartphone that allows employees to propose absence permission in a sudden.
  • Mobile app also give information to the authority related to presence, permission application, recapitulation of working hours, and the length of workhour on that day

The Tonjoo as an information system developer with BKD Government of Magelang District partnership in the employee information system application project named SEMAR demonstrates that Tonjoo is not only focusing on developing website based on WordPress but also web application portal and various software to support improve operational system.


Amily Hijab

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