WordPress Plugin : Fluid Responsive Slideshow Plugin



Sangar Slider is a premium high quality slider plugin for WordPress. With smooth animation, layered slide, touch and swipe support, easy to use and trully responsive. Packed with premium skins and template, and also easy to create your very own custom template for your slider.


  • 10 template, 15 preset & 90 theme!
  • WYSIWYG Layer Editor
  • Paralax
  • Multiple Content Type
  • Full Animation Control
  • Mobile Mode Layer editor
  • Youtube and vimeo layer
  • Build in CSS editor
  • Fanatical support

Get the Plugin Here :  Sangar Slider

Updated on November 6, 2017 by


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    January 23, 2013

    I can only get 3 slides to come up even though I have uploded several more. Please help


    • avatar avatar-100 photo
      Todi Adiatmo

      January 23, 2013

      Hi Lee, have you give the slide a slide type ? it should work fine, i’ve use 4 images in this tutorial. How much slide do you upload in a slideshow do you try ?


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    January 24, 2013

    I have 12 images that I have done. When I go put the code on the Welcome page it just has an error…Please help!


    • avatar avatar-100 photo
      Todi Adiatmo

      January 25, 2013

      What error do you get ? can you provide screenshoot? don’t forget to provide the slide name when using the shortcode


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    January 24, 2013

    don’t work can you help me?


    • avatar avatar-100 photo
      Todi Adiatmo

      January 25, 2013

      @santi Can you specify your problem or provide some screenshoot on the error ?


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    January 25, 2013

    Hi+ I really like your responsive slide show plugin! It is easy to use! In trying it out I see that the slideshow displays a thumbnail image of the slide it is showing…I would like to remove or hide that thumbnail display…I do know CSS…I have downloaded the entire site to my local drive; I just don’t know which file Class/ID/Tag I should code to ‘hidden’ – would you be kind enough to guide me in the proper direction? Thank you, +E


  • avatar avatar-100 photo
    Todi Adiatmo

    January 25, 2013

    The bullet should be on class (“.orbit-bullets”)


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    January 25, 2013

    Thank you…and, which CSS file should I look in to find this?


    • avatar avatar-100 photo
      Todi Adiatmo

      January 26, 2013

      it should be on /css/orbit.css. If you still have trouble on the css file you can show me your page and i’ll try to figure it out which class to edit 🙂


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    January 29, 2013

    slideshow is not working in chrome, but it works in safari. any idea ?


    • avatar avatar-100 photo
      Todi Adiatmo

      January 30, 2013

      @junho could you show me your wordpress version? try to deactive old plugin, sometimes plugin doesn’t work well when combined. Or maybe you can show me your site ?


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    January 30, 2013

    Thank for for this great plug-in!
    my slideshow doesn’t respond to the changes I make in the FR slideshow options form..
    any idea of what steps I can take to troubleshoot?


    • avatar avatar-100 photo
      Todi Adiatmo

      January 30, 2013

      @EKwon hi what is the options that doesnt work? i aware some options still not functioning, it will be fixed on next release in 2-3 week


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    January 30, 2013

    I’m using 3.0.1 version. This is the problem ?
    I don’t use other plugins but this.


    • avatar avatar-100 photo
      Iqbal Jayadi

      December 17, 2013

      This plugin isn’t tested with 3.0.1 version. Try in 3.7 or 3.8, it works like charm


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    January 30, 2013

    Hi, the slideshow doesn’t work on my site (wordpress 5.1 – Vertical Theme Responsive).
    What do you mean “The slide_type paramater is case sensitive”. Must I change an adjustment in my page, my fonction.php… ?

    Thank for your help.



    • avatar avatar-100 photo
      Iqbal Jayadi

      December 17, 2013

      Nope. It means that slide type “myslidetype” and “mySlideType” is different slidetype. Slide type is like an photo album, whereas the slide itself is the photo. You can manage photos to be displayed in corresponding slidetype. Hope it helps 🙂


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    January 30, 2013

    ok for the translation of “case sensitive” (my english is very bad, sorry !)
    The link of my working progress page is here
    The first picture (Dr. Reza BARAHENI) is ok but the slideshow don’t work. A idea ?

    Thank a lot for your help.


  • avatar avatar-100 photo
    Todi Adiatmo

    January 31, 2013

    @Cedric you activate other plugin : nivo slider which cause to load other jquery library. I think that was the problem, try to deactive the nivo slider


  • avatar avatar-100 photo
    Todi Adiatmo

    January 31, 2013

    @Junho oke let me try wordpress 3.0.1 first. Does the slide show in this page work on your chrome ? i’ll try to fix the problem but for now i can only suggest you to upgrade to 3.5.1


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    January 31, 2013

    @todi I’m trying to get rid of the caption box altogether, and also get rid of the timer, but the changes to the settings form doesn’t seem to effect the visible slideshow.


    • avatar avatar-100 photo
      Todi Adiatmo

      January 31, 2013

      @EKwon okay, noted. i’ll try to fix it soon 🙂


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    January 31, 2013

    @todi I’ve tried 3.5.1 upgraded version, but still doesn’t work in chrome. and yes, it works in your page.
    probably my coding problem ? here is my website, please take a look. http://bit.ly/14ywkfL


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    January 31, 2013

    Hi, Todi+
    I found a file under…css/orbit-1.2.3.css (not css/orbit.css). Is the orbit-1.2.3.css the actual file I should be looking in to modify (hide) the thumbnails on the slider? If I’m looking in the correct css file, you said for me to look for “.orbit-bullets”. However, I do not see that exact item. I do see “ul.orbit-bullets” and “.orbit-bullets-wrapper”…So, which one of these is the correct one to modify to hide the thumbnails? Or do I modify both?
    Thank you, +E


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    January 31, 2013

    @Todi Thank you so much ~!!!!!


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    February 03, 2013

    Hello, great plugin but i have a problem. I am creating a slideshow following the instructions but i only see a black screen instead of my photos.
    Here you can see the problem http://tinyurl.com/ad8zpt4
    Im getting also some errors from jquery.orbit js.
    Im struggling all day to fix it but with no results


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    February 14, 2013

    Hello, First this plugin is really awesome, second I have used it in a couple of website and is working fine, but in the last website I can’t change the time for the slide time, I already change the time and even the animation is not responding. Here is the link http://www.martyhomes.com.php53-13.ord1-1.websitetestlink.com/ thanks for any advice


  • avatar avatar-100 photo
    Maria Triselioti

    February 15, 2013

    I used the slider plugin and it’s been working fine. I was wondering though if you have a limitation on how many images they can be used in a slider. Eg. I uploaded to the same slide type 15 images and it showing up to 10 images.
    Is there a workaround?


    • avatar avatar-100 photo

      June 23, 2013

      to change the maximum number of slides you should change a value in the database
      you can find it in wp_option, posts_per_page, option_value
      it seems slide transform each image to post
      hope it helps you


      • avatar avatar-100 photo

        June 23, 2013

        or just change in settings – > reading -> post


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    February 17, 2013

    Hi ! The slideshow is great and work quite good ! Just one thing, when I save the options, nothing changes on my slideshow (image max-width : 900 not 650, small arrows, not showing the counter) : http://book.leelooille.fr/showpingdeal/

    In the admin, I have though the message “options saved”, and the parameters I entered are still there. Just can’t see them applied on the website 🙁

    Thanks for your help !



  • avatar avatar-100 photo
    Todi Adiatmo

    February 18, 2013

    @maria We haven’t try the slider for 15 images, but we do know that for 10++ there is a performance hit on the javascript.

    There is a bug when the option data was inserted into the database, this is sometimes happen and sometimes not

    We’ll try to fix both issues on next release which is planned in the middle of march


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    February 20, 2013

    I have 10 images in a slideshow, but it’s only showing 3. I have re-read all the instructions, but I can’t figure it out! Thanks for your help!


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    March 31, 2013

    Great plugin! I’ve 3 slider and all work! Now i want to add another picture, but when i select the image to load and then click the “use as featured image” nothing happen. What solution? thanks!


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    April 08, 2013

    I don’t understand.
    1. I set SLIDE TYPE (and you say = ONE ALBUM) I say. Well. It’s uncomfortable for my usage but I can sacrify some time in creating it
    2. But. Then I “ADD TYPE” (which is a group of pictures) and I “SET FEATURED IMG”
    3. I take the code and I put it in one post. AND I SEE JUST ONE PIC!
    what’s the logic?
    – ONE PIC
    Should I upload picXpic by “ADDING SLIDE?” I have more than 1.000 picture to upload. It’s clear that I cannot do it. So…I think that there is a problem in the way I upload the pictures..

    Need mooooooooore info.


  • avatar avatar-100 photo
    Todi Adiatmo

    April 10, 2013

    Hi Babichan,

    You need to have severals image to have same slide type, lets say


    you must set all of the three pic to have same slide type

    Regarding the 1000 pic question, right now the only way to show the image on the slide show is by using the image uploader from wordpress, so yes you have to upload it manualy and create one slide for each image. We know this is not eficient, so we plan to make other way of combining image, it will be availble on next realase.

    we’re really apreciate your question, the tutorial we have right now is not perfect due to lack of manpower we have, we’ll try to update the tutorial with a better one on our next release 🙂


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    April 14, 2013

    Plugin is good potential but I am disappointed with the limit of only 10 slides. I have upgraded the plugin to .93 which I believed would resolve this issue but still can only see 10 of the 40 slides I need to display. Is there a work around or an alternative?


    • avatar avatar-100 photo

      April 02, 2014

      Hi Sue, thanks for your message, our team is on hard working for the next release that will be ready soon, about later this month. There will be much improvement and bug fixed in the next release, and i hope your problem will disappear too in the next release. Thanks for using our plugin 🙂


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    April 20, 2013

    I’m guessing you’re Indonesian…? Malaysian here. 🙂

    Awesome job with the slideshow plugin. I’ll probably plan my next website design with this plugin in mind.

    It’s simple and attractive – congrats.


    • avatar avatar-100 photo
      Todi Adiatmo

      May 06, 2013

      Hi jur, terimakasih for your visit

      yeah, indonesian, yogyakarta to be excact

      glad you like it 🙂


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    May 18, 2013

    i have not been able to upload images…i have followed all the instructions and no images appear when i select them…it just goes back too the default blank image


  • avatar avatar-100 photo
    Karl Craig-West

    May 30, 2013

    Thanks for creating a plugin that works perfectly. I’ve tried a bunch of other responsive slideshow solutions but none that is so simple and does what it says on the tin.
    Thanks again


    • avatar avatar-100 photo

      April 02, 2014

      Hi Karl!, thanks for your message, our team is on hard working for the next release that will be ready soon, about later this month. There will be much improvement and bug fixed in the next release, i hope you will try this release too. Thanks for using our plugin 🙂


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    June 04, 2013

    It does not work due to incompatibility with jquery-1.9.0.min.js
    Is it possible a solution? I can not remove jquery-1.9.0.min.js, it is necessary for the web


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    June 18, 2013

    Hi there I have problems to insert the slideshow into my custom theme, I had put the php line code and it doesn’t works, it only shows a black div with the loading’s gif and not more.

    Thanks very much for your help


  • avatar avatar-100 photo
    Merlin Silk

    September 26, 2013

    was so excited to find your plugin after trying to get something going with iframes, and nothing really worked.
    I think I followed your instructions to the letter but must still be doing something wrong. Slideshow shows only a black block and a busy loading icon.
    The page where I try this is
    I hope you can help me getting this working.


    • avatar avatar-100 photo
      Todi Adiatmo

      October 01, 2013

      i send you an email, have you check it ?


  • Close

  • avatar avatar-100 photo
    Merlin Silk

    October 10, 2013

    hmmm, 2 weeks without an answer. Now I am disappointed, had so high hopes for this plugin 🙁


    • avatar avatar-100 photo
      Todi Adiatmo

      October 10, 2013

      Check your email please 🙂 you put a wrong email on the contact from… so we sent our reply to wrong address.



    • avatar avatar-100 photo

      April 02, 2014

      Hi Merlin Silk!, thanks for your message, our team is on hard working for the next release that will be ready soon, about later this month. There will be much improvement and bug fixed in the next release, and i hope your problem will disappear too in the next release. Thanks for using our plugin 🙂


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    November 22, 2013

    Ordering of images NOT WORKING. It’s just random order.


    • avatar avatar-100 photo
      Todi Adiatmo

      November 24, 2013

      Hi !
      We’ll try in our lab and tell you if there any bugfix



    • avatar avatar-100 photo
      Iqbal Jayadi

      December 17, 2013

      Hello Jackie, i already tested about order number of the images. The priority is:

      1. Slides with empty order number, shown from oldest publish date slides.

      2. slides with order number. If there are two or more slides with same order number, the older the publish date will shown first.


    • avatar avatar-100 photo

      April 02, 2014

      Hi Jackie!, thanks for your message, our team is on hard working for the next release that will be ready soon, about later this month. There will be much improvement and bug fixed in the next release, and i hope your problem will disappear too in the next release. Thanks for using our plugin 🙂


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    December 04, 2013


    Thank you for creating and sharing this plugin. I have a couple questions:

    1. I turned off Show Timer and Bullet Navigation options but they still show up on the frontend. Bug?

    2. I would like to delay the display of text (show them a little bit after the images are loaded). slide effect maybe? Is this kind of customization possible?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    • avatar avatar-100 photo
      Iqbal Jayadi

      December 17, 2013

      1. Can I see the website you currently working on? I checked for WP v3.8 and 3.7.1 it works normally.

      2. For this version it’s not possible 🙂


    • avatar avatar-100 photo

      March 03, 2014

      I also turned off Show Timer and Bullet Navigation options but they still show up on the frontend. The only way i could remove was to display:none Obviously not the greatest option but it works.

      My other issue i cannot resolve is the size of the image. there is an inline size of #homepagepjc {max-width: 650px;}

      i have added #homepagepjc {max-width: 1024px;} into my css but the page wont pick it up. where is this setting coming from?


      • avatar avatar-100 photo

        April 02, 2014

        Hi Maxrebo, thanks for your message, our team is on hard working for the next release that will be ready soon, about later this month. There will be much improvement and bug fixed in the next release, and i hope your problem will disappear too in the next release. Thanks for using our plugin 🙂


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    December 28, 2013

    hi. Would you know how to solve the sub menu issue in WP twenty twelve where it hides behind the slider. i tried z-index in container and vac but still is doing that. Any help is appreciated.


    • avatar avatar-100 photo

      March 03, 2014

      I would also like to know how to solve the sub menu issue in WP twenty twelve where it hides behind the slider. Is there any help on this issue?


      • avatar avatar-100 photo

        March 03, 2014

        Hi larry and maxrebo!
        That issue happened because “ul” with class=”sub-menu” just have 1 z-index, so you can change it to 9999 or more to solve this issue.

        However, there is upcoming update for this plugin with much of bug fix and improvement, so don’t miss it 🙂



  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    December 31, 2013

    Trying to get the slides to display correctly. The slides get cropped on my page and the text I have following the slideshow container is hidden behind the container. When I tried to change the height of the container and orbit img to 100%, it simply fits the image in the assigned container height.
    Here is the page


    Image attached


    • avatar avatar-100 photo

      April 02, 2014

      Hi Gilley!, thanks for your message, our team is on hard working for the next release that will be ready soon, about later this month. There will be much improvement and bug fixed in the next release, and i hope your problem will disappear too in the next release. Thanks for using our plugin 🙂


  • avatar avatar-100 photo
    Eddie Prislac

    March 05, 2014

    Using WordPress 3.8.1 and jQuery 1.9.11, cannot get the options to take (the options change in the database and show up properly in the setings, but nothing changes)


    • avatar avatar-100 photo

      March 05, 2014

      Hello Eddie, how it looks when you use the default wordpress jQuery?


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    March 26, 2014

    Clicking the ‘set featured image’ button in order to select the image for my slide somehow breaks the wordpress application. I am taken to the ‘drag and drop/upload’ screen, but it is displayed outside the wordpress dashboard. Selecting the image does not send me back to the slide page in order to publish. Please help – client depends on it.

    Thank you


    • avatar avatar-100 photo

      April 02, 2014

      Hi Joe!, thanks for your message, our team is on hard working for the next release that will be ready soon, about later this month. There will be much improvement and bug fixed in the next release, and i hope your problem will disappear too in the next release. Thanks for using our plugin 🙂


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    April 01, 2014

    The fluidity is great…only problem I have is on the options menu: none of the customizations work. No change in skins…timing…navigation, etc. No matter what skin I choose or any other options I alter, it all looks the same. Ideas? Fixes? You can check it out at: i-am-her.org


    • avatar avatar-100 photo

      April 02, 2014

      Hi, thanks for your message, our team is on hard working for the next release that will be ready soon, about later this month. There will be much improvement and bug fixed in the next release, and i hope your problem will disappear too in the next release. Thanks for using our plugin 🙂


  • avatar avatar-100 photo
    Simon Vincent

    April 28, 2014

    Nice plugin, but it breaks the default featured image option on posts/pages. Developer has not been able to fix this either…


  • avatar avatar-100 photo
    Josh Rainwater

    June 20, 2014


    I updated to the latest version of FRS, and noticing that I’m getting some JS errors with captions. Check out pumpingessentials.com for an example of what I mean. I think it’s because I’m not showing captions on the slides… thoughts?


    • avatar avatar-100 photo

      June 21, 2014

      Hi Josh,
      We investigating this issue 🙂


    • avatar avatar-100 photo

      June 23, 2014

      Hi Josh,

      Thank you for your feedback!
      Our plans is to release the next version in the next month, and you will find your request will be fulfilled in that release. But if you want it now, follow the instructions below:

      1. Open file frs.js in folder js

      2. Find:

      caption_position = slides.eq(activeSlide).find('div.frs-caption').attr('class').replace('frs-caption ','');

      3. Replace with:

      caption_position = slides.eq(activeSlide).find('div.frs-caption');
      if(caption_position.length) {
      caption_position = caption_position.attr('class').replace('frs-caption ','');
      } else {
      caption_position = "undefined";

      4. Save changes

      hope that helps 🙂


  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    June 29, 2014

    Very easy question, how to hide/show the slideshow at different widths/devices?
    Thanks a lot!


    • avatar avatar-100 photo

      June 30, 2014

      Hi Bruceluis,

      You can write your custom width/devices css code in the “Custom CSS” option that you can find in the Configuration page.



  • avatar avatar-100 photo

    January 21, 2016

    I’ve installed & activated the plugin. However, after I click on FR Slideshow (sidebar) and type the title of the slideshow & click “create a slideshow”, nothing happens. Help!!


  • avatar avatar-100 photo
    Slender Suzie

    April 19, 2016

    well was working just fine until a few days ago it all of a sudden no longer works – all you see is the short code and no actual slides. installed the plugin update today and still nothing. it WAS a nice plugin but now its useless :/


    • avatar avatar-100 photo

      April 19, 2016

      Hi!, please provide us your website, so we can investigate the problem


      • avatar avatar-100 photo
        Slender Suzie

        April 19, 2016

        http://www.SlenderSuzie.com the slideshow was working perfectly on the front page just below the navigation – all you see ow is the short code.


      • avatar avatar-100 photo

        April 20, 2016

        There is no problem on my machine, maybe you can try to deactivate all plugin except this slider plugin to check if there are a conflict with other plugin


      • avatar avatar-100 photo
        Slender Suzie

        April 20, 2016

        Thanks but the only other plugins I have are necessary ones – not ones I will turn off – I on tuse many because it slows your site speeds. I will delete this slider plugin and do something else there (interesting though how you have no problem yet no one on any other “machine” can see the slider only the shortcode when they visit my site


      • avatar avatar-100 photo

        April 21, 2016

        No no, i meant in my wordpress not my machine, sorry. By the way you can try another slider plugin from tonjoo, sangar slider, it’s have similar features to FRS and also more stable. You can find the free version on wordpress.org


    • avatar avatar-100 photo

      April 21, 2016


      Please open a new thread on our support forum regarding of your issue, thank you 🙂



      • avatar avatar-100 photo
        Slender Suzie

        April 21, 2016

        Serioulsy – WHY the heck would I have to open a NEW thread for the same issue. UM NO. Bye Bye slider plugin. Bad service, bad forum commentator, BAD service means not using it and will no longer recommend it to my web design clients!


      • avatar avatar-100 photo

        April 22, 2016

        Thank you, you make my work as tech support even easier by refusing to open support forum 🙂



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