Search Results for: plugins

How to Protect Your WordPress from Brute-Force Attack


How to Protect Your WordPress from Brute-Force Attack

Protect Your WordPress from Brute-Force Attack – Have you ever heard about Brute-Force Attack? If you have installed WordPress, and developed your own website, you might be concerned about this. This kind of attack is […]

  • Admin Tonjoo
  • August 27, 2014
How to Detect Malicious Code in your WordPress Themes


How to Detect Malicious Code in your WordPress Themes

Detect malicious code – Malicious code is everywhere. They can also infect a website, a server, or even a WordPress theme. It could be a Trojan, botnet, or, even more dangerously, a backdoor or web […]

  • Admin Tonjoo
  • August 26, 2014
3 Best Free WordPress Starter Themes


3 Best Free WordPress Starter Themes

Free WordPress Starter Themes – Are you thinking about how to create a WordPress theme? If you want to make your very own WordPress theme, but don’t want to start it from scratch, then you […]

  • Dina Febriyani
  • August 26, 2014
Tonjoo TOM Theme Integration


Tonjoo TOM Theme Integration

Tonjoo TOM Theme – In this tutorial we will guide you on how to integrate Tonjoo Theme Options Maker (TTOM) into your WordPress Theme. Please note that the current version of TTOM is only come […]

  • todi
  • June 28, 2014
WordPress Page Template


WordPress Page Template

WordPress Page Template – WordPress page template is a feature that enable us to create different layout for each page in our website. In this tutorial we are going to create a new Page Template […]

  • todi
  • June 10, 2014
W3 Total Cache Purge All Post Plugin


W3 Total Cache Purge All Post Plugin

W3 Total Cache Purge caching mechanism is somewhat very confusing. Which page to purge? Does the archive need to purge to? How about the widget? We know that W3 Total Cache already have mechanism to […]

  • todi
  • October 27, 2013
Insert Shortcode into Your WordPress Theme


Insert Shortcode into Your WordPress Theme

Inserting shortcode enables WordPress plugin developer to create special content such as forms, galleries, and slideshows that users can easily integrate into specific pages or posts. By using the simple syntax [shortcode_name shortcode_parameter], users can embed […]

  • Dina Febriyani
  • January 19, 2013